Home / Xử lý kẻ cướp thế nào để không vi phạm pháp luật? How to handle robbers so as not to break the law?

Xử lý kẻ cướp thế nào để không vi phạm pháp luật? How to handle robbers so as not to break the law?


Cướp tài sản của người khác là hành vi vi phạm pháp luật, sẽ bị pháp luật xử lý nghiêm minh. Nhưng nếu người bị cướp tài sản có hành vi đánh trả gây thương tích hoặc thậm chí là làm chết người thì có thể sẽ trở thành tội phạm. Stealing other people's property is a violation of the law and will be strictly handled by the law. But if the person who is robbed of property has a fight back that causes injury or even death, it may become a crime.

The law allows people to carry out acts of resistance when seeing that their property and life are being infringed. This does not mean that you can fight back on your own, leading to serious injury or death.

Ảnh minh họa

Article 20 of the Constitution affirms that:

Everyone has the right to inviolability of the body and to be protected by law in terms of health.

In addition, Article 33 of the Civil Code 2015 also states:

1. Individuals have the right to life, the inviolability of life and body, and the right to be protected by law in terms of health. No one shall be unlawfully deprived of his life.

Therefore, even if a person is committing an illegal act, he or she is protected by the law in terms of life and health in a fair and equal way.

According to Article 82 of the Criminal Procedure Code, for a person who is committing a crime or immediately after committing a crime and is discovered or chased, any person has the right to arrest and immediately bring him or her to the public prosecutor's office or nearest police station, Procuracy or People's Committee.

In case the offender is carrying a weapon, any person has the right to take away the weapon or weapon of this person.

Thus, when meeting a robber, we should not be too excited and lose our temper to lead to illegal actions. It is necessary to apply appropriate measures to suppress the crime, and silmutaneously notify the police or the nearest People's Committee for support.